Update - Match Report Album

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February 1, 2025
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Update - Match Report Album

Match Report Photo Albums

Prior to this update, adding a photo album to a match report could be a long process, involving trips to several different sections of the platform.

We've now introduced a new and improved photo album picker, with added functionality!

What have we done?

In future, clicking "Select an album" within the match report admin page, will bring up an overlay showing the clubs available albums, complete with thumbnail.

Simply clicking on an album will attach it to the match report.


If the album has been uploaded to your account and not shared with the club, you can click on the "Your Albums" tab, to attach an album from your own account.


Now, what if you don't have an album created, but have all the images from the game stored on your computer?

You can now upload your album straight to your account and attach it to the report in one process - no more moving to and from your account area.

We even pre-populate the album name for you, based on the fixture.


Please note - Only webmasters or admins with access to the Site Content section will be able to upload an album to a match report.

If you don't have access, you will need to upload the album to your account and share the album with the club for approval as normal.


Please let us know your feedback on this.

If you have any issues, please email support@pitchero.com.


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