How to connect your club website to ECB Play-Cricket

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How to connect your club website to ECB Play-Cricket

One of the benefits for cricket clubs on Pitchero is our official integration with the ECB’s site.

It means that those of you managing club websites don’t have to enter league details manually all over again on Pitchero.

Speaking about the integration, Pitchero CEO Mark Fletcher said:

"The Play-Cricket integration is increasingly popular with Pitchero clubs as it allows them to save valuable time. Over 1000 more teams have connected to Play-Cricket competitions this year compared to 2020- cricket is back with a bang!"

Our comprehensive league database has thousands of competitions and so multiple teams are able to keep accurate, consistent records, saving hours of time in the process.

blog-play-cricket-sample-scorecardHow does it work?

Any data added to or updated on will automatically appear on your Pitchero website within 24 hours. 

This comes directly from your cricket league’s Play-Cricket website.

Powered by a third-party API, Pitchero receives:

  • League fixtures
  • League results
  • League tables
  • Match scorecards

As part of this integration, we don’t receive cup matches or friendlies so these will have to be entered manually.

In addition to this league data, Webmasters and Team Admins should continue to add extra fixture information such as team selections, previews, match reports and photos/video.

blog-play-cricket-connect-competitionHow do we set this up?

All you have to do is to connect your cricket team to the right league competition in the Club Control Panel.

  • Access the 'Teams' section of the Club Control Panel
  • Pick the team you wish to link up to a competition and then select 'Competitions'
  • Click the 'Join Competition' button
  • In the overlay, locate the division in the ones recommended and then select 'Join this competition'.

Want some more tips on how to get your cricket club ready for the 2021 season?

Join our special cricket webinar on Thursday 22nd April.

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Need any further help?

If you need help with anything to do with the ECB Play-Cricket integration or your cricket fixtures appearing correctly, you can email support or book a demo with one of our experts.

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